Defrost your pet's food on the bottom shelf of your fridge. It takes around 24 hours, depending on your fridge settings and the number of tubs you have defrosting at a time.
How long does raw last in the fridge?
Once defrosted, your pet's food will keep in the fridge for up to four days.
How to defrost less than one tub at a time
If you need to defrost less than a tub at a time, start defrosting it in the fridge until it is just soft enough to cut, portioning it while still partially frozen before refreezing the rest.
Forgotten to defrost a meal?
If you've forgotten to defrost a meal, you can place an unopened tub of your pet's food into a bowl of cool water, which will defrost it in around an hour.
If it is still cold, you can mash in a little hot water when serving.
You should never defrost in the microwave, as the bone content will become brittle and can splinter.
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